Black and White to Color


Daphne from Scooby Doo Vibes

Demon that looks like it could either be from Mortal Kombat or Shrek.

Zombie vibes

This project had us changing the photo from black and white to adding colors to different aspects of the photo. I was trying to do the eyebrows, but my eyebrow shape is just weird and they were cut off by my hair, so it wasn't working out. I wanted to do the Opaque background because the Professor showed us an example of one he liked and that person had an opaque background, but my opaque background was not received as well. Also, the background makes the hair pop out more. I wanted to choose drastic different colors for each and for the eyes, and it ended up looking super spooky. I would say my favorite is the first one, as it reminds me of Daphne from Scooby Doo. I also just really like the color palette as it incorporates colors I really enjoy.


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