The Office: Season 9 Episode 5
I chose the Office, because it's one of my favorite shows of all time. I've seen every episode from all 9 seasons about 50 times each. It's a comfort show for me and I was very upset when it was removed from Netflix. I tried out multiple different screenshots from the show to put myself in but this had the best spacing. I own business type clothes because of my previous job where it was required. The critique on this photo was that I was hiding my face, but I wasn't trying to hid my face. I was trying to express my embarrassment and disbelief in what I was seeing. Also, I had other photos of myself reacting to the camera, but they didn't come out clear enough. This was the only available photo I could've used. I don't really mind my face not being in the office, I'm not a big fan of it anyways. I lowkey actually enjoyed doing this and I added so many color corrections to my photo and effects in order to match it to the scene. I showed this to my uncle without saying anything and he just looked at it asking me what was wrong with it, until I pointed at myself. He freaked out saying he did not notice that was me. I personally can tell it's obviously me, but I'm proud of my final product.
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